Meet Barry

Barry Loudermilk is a passionate representative of the people, who fights daily to ensure our children have a nation that is free, safe and full of opportunity. Barry believes that the best days for America are ahead of us, but only if we return to the basic values of hard work, honesty, individual liberty and respect for each other.

Barry’s father, a World War II veteran and a construction worker, impressed upon his children the idea you can change things if you stand up for what is right. “If there is something you don’t like,” his father said, “you have two choices…do something to change the situation, or just accept the status quo and go on with your life, but never just complain.” These words of wisdom inspired Barry to public service, and they’re what drives him to work to change the culture in Washington, DC.

Faith, Family and Freedom are his core principles, as he has fought to cut taxes for hardworking Americans, reduce the size and scope of government, and to secure liberty for future generations.

In the short time Barry has been serving in Congress, he has been identified as one of the most effective in reforming the federal government. Barry has led investigations into government data breaches, fought for more transparency and accountability in government agencies, and worked to ensure Washington bureaucrats are held to the same laws and standards as any other American. That’s why he’s been named the “best of the next generation of freedom fighters.”

As a Washington Outsider, Barry is…

  • Cutting Taxes
    • When Congress was negotiating the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Barry fought tirelessly to ensure tax cuts extended to Georgia’s individuals, families and businesses.
  • Working to Promote New Jobs and Opportunities for Georgians
    • Cutting taxes and reducing burdensome regulations for small businesses. As a result, we are experiencing an unexpected growth in jobs and opportunities for business startups.
  • Strengthening our Military
    • Providing Our Military with state-of-the-art weapons.
    • Providing our Servicemen and women with a much deserved pay raise.
  • Fighting to Secure Our Border and Reform Our Broken Immigration System
  • Ensuring Veterans get the Care and Benefits they Deserve
  • Fighting to Lower the Cost of Health Insurance by Repealing Obamacare taxes and mandates
  • Reforming Government and Government Services
  • Working to Balance the Budget and reduce our National Debt
    • Introduced an Innovative Balanced Budget Amendment
    • Citizens Against Government Waste named Barry a “Taxpayer Super Hero,” for his relentless work to cut wasteful spending.
  • Working to Protect Life
    • Continuously voted to block ALL federal funding for Abortions

Family Man

Barry Loudermilk is a dedicated husband, father and grandfather. He and his wife, Desiree, have been married since 1983. They first met in 1981, while both were serving in a church ministry helping underprivileged children. Barry and Desiree have three grown children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and four grandchildren.

Barry and Desiree believe in strong family bonds. For years, the entire family served in the Civil Air Patrol, where they trained and participated in search-and-rescue, disaster relief and other emergency services throughout the state of Georgia.

The Loudermilk family are active in the community and have volunteered in charitable and service organizations across the state.

The families’ interests and hobbies include aviation, rock climbing, hiking, hunting, fishing and most any outdoor activity, as well as studying and teaching America’s rich heritage.

Air Force Veteran

Barry Loudermilk served in the United States Air Force where he worked as a Communications Operations Specialist for command, control and intelligence operations. Barry served at duty stations in Texas, Hawaii and Alaska, and received numerous awards and decorations for exemplary service. Barry also received numerous awards and recognition for his service during the 1986 Philippine Crisis, the 1986 Air Raid on Libya, Operation Just Cause in Panama, Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.

As a veteran, Barry understands the challenges our veterans face getting health care, jobs and basic benefits. Since serving in Congress, he has passionately fought to put the Veterans Administration on a path of reform. Barry is also active in bringing attention to the problems our returning combat veterans are facing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other issues. Barry is a member of the American Legion, and serves Post 42 in Cartersville, Georgia.

In Congress, Barry continues to fight for our freedom. As a member of the Special Task Force for Combating Terrorism and Foreign Fighter Travel, Barry helped uncover and address vulnerabilities in our homeland security. As a member of this special task force, he traveled to the heart of terrorist activity to meet with foreign officials and counter-terrorism experts.

Small Business Owner

Barry doesn’t just talk about the challenges of small business ownership, he faced them daily as the owner of two small businesses in Northwest Georgia. In 1995, Barry started an information technology business in Cartersville, Georgia. Through his 20 years of running this small company, Barry has extensive experience and knowledge of information technology and the importance of protecting our government and businesses from cyber threats.

Barry was also the founder and co-owner of Freedom Flight Center, an aviation training business in Rome, Georgia.

Community Servant

Barry believes in action, not just talk, when it comes to community service. As an officer in the Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, Barry is a highly trained emergency services officer. He served as a volunteer search-and-rescue team leader and has participated in numerous search-and-rescue and disaster relief missions.

Barry is a member of his local American Legion post.

Legislative Leader

In the short time Barry has been serving in Congress, he has been recognized as one of the most effective new members of Congress, working to change the culture in Washington D.C.

Citizens Against Government Waste named him a “Taxpayer Superhero,” for his relentless fight to stop wasteful government spending.

Freedom Works named him “the best of the next generation of freedom fighters.”

Within weeks of taking office, Barry was appointed to a special task force to combat terrorism and foreign fighter travel through the House Homeland Security Committee. Through his tireless work, the task force uncovered numerous areas of vulnerability in our fight against radical Islamist terrorism. Immediately, Barry and the other members of the task force began addressing these problems, which included closing loopholes in the State Department’s Visa Waiver Program, being exploited by foreign fighters trying to enter the U.S. Within months, Congress and the President acted on this and other recommendations, and these reforms are now law.

With a background in information technology and his experience in military intelligence, Barry has quickly become a leader in cybersecurity policy. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Barry is working with both the technology and financial service sector to ensure our personal data is better protected. Through his work on the Science, Space and Technology Committee, Barry has led investigations into data breaches within the federal government and cyber-attacks by foreign governments.

As a member of the Committee on House Administration, Barry helped usher through legislation to provide harsher penalties for sexual harassment and to end the payment of settlements with taxpayer dollars, as well as working to ensure election integrity.

Because of his experience and background, Barry serves on three House committees; Financial Services, the Select Committee on House Administration, and the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress.

Barry previously served on the Homeland Security Committee.